What Is Homoeopathy ?
Homoeopathy is necessarily a natural healing process, providing remedies to help the patient regain their health by stimulating the body’s inherent strengths or recovery. It focuses on treating the patient rather than the disease and based on the principle of “like cures like.” A substance that produces disease-like symptoms when taken by a healthy person may treat a sick person/animal with similar symptoms when administered in an appropriate form.
Homeopathy or homeopathic medicine is a CAM(Complimentary and alternating) therapy by which FDCA regulated homeopathic remedies are prescribed by homeopathists under three basic principles: like cures like, minimum dose and the remedies are always individualized. Unlike herbal and nutritional therapies, homeopathy is one of very few CAM therapies that treats symptoms rather than the root of the issue or imbalance. Homeopathy boosts the body’s ability to heal itself.
Homoeopathy is a unique system of medicine. Although the homoeopathic medicines are derived from natural substances , HOMOEOPATHY SHOULD NOT BE CONFUSED WITH HERBAL MEDICINE, CHINESE MEDICINE, ESSENTIAL OILS AND OTHER SUPPLEMENTS.